AXJ-USA nos informa que las tensiones estan muy altas dentro de las dos familias Carrascosa e Innes. Ya se ha acreditado que Maria Jose Carrascosa se ha pasado denunciando al Sr. Innes en falso para intentar quitarle a su hija. Otras FEMINAZIS como la ex del Sr. SALGADO PIMENTEL lo tienen mas facil y presuntamente contratan a sicarios para asesinar a sus exes. Sigue a la espera de Juicio. Tambien esta involucrada la Presidenta del Tribunal Constitucional de España. Quedan pocas semanas ya hasta que el Juez de Nueva Jersey, USA decida admitir o no los testigos de Carrascosa, pero sin duda les hara la advertencia que si mienten ante un Jurado y Juzgado de los Estados Unidos de America (USA) podran ser detenidos y encarcelados como a Maria Jose Carrascosa.
Mr. Peter Innes wrote: Deje que se lo traduzca, que el Sr. Innes no pudo seguir casado con la Sra. Carrascosa debido a sus mentiras constantes, acusaciones y comportamiento abnormal.
Let me translate this. Mr. Innes was unable to remain married to Ms. Carrascosa. He was unable to deal with her constant lies, accusations and abnormal behavior.
De todas formas ya ha rehecho su vida y esta casado con una mujer maravillos, tiene un hijo fantastico de 2 años, y negocio exitosos y vive una vida muy tranquila.
However, he has moved on with his life and is now married to a wonderful woman, he has a fantastic 2 year old son, a very successful business and he lives a perfectly normal life.
Al contrario la Sra. Carrascosa estan encarcelada y continua con sus cuentos de no acabar. Ha llevado a su familia a la bancarrota, destruido la niñez de su hija, perdido la custodia de la misma y pronto probablemente sera una criminal condenada.
Conversely, Ms. Carrascosa is incarcerated and continuing her delusional stories. She has all but bankrupted her family, destroyed her daughter's childhood, lost legal custody of her child and soon she will likely be a convicted felon.
Si, esto lo acredita Luis, Innes debe estar loco!
Yep, that proves it Lou, Mr. Innes must be crazy!
Publicado: 10 Feb 2009 01:46
February 9, 2009
Today, Ms. Carrascosa and attorney #15 appeared before the criminal court judge in Hackensack, NJ. The hearing was to address Ms. Carrascosa's request for another delay in commencing her criminal trial so that her attorney can have more time to prepare her defense. In a letter to the judge,#15 indicated that Ms. Carrascosa would like to call 16 witnesses to testify in her defense, including 3 doctors from Spain.
Based on this unusual request, it appears that Ms. Carrascosa's defense might be either - she was physically unable to return Victoria or she plans to attempt to tell the jury that she was the victim of poisoning and therefore she feared returning Victoria.
The later argument would confirm that Ms. Carrascosas actions continue to be driven by her delusional ideas about her situation. Of course, no witnesses will ever testify about this accusation as it is completely not true.
Unlike family court, where Ms. Carrascosa and her attorney-of-the-week can say pretty much anything they want, a criminal trial is far different. Before anyone can testify before a jury, the testimony must be disclosed to the prosecution, it must be truthful and it must be relevant to the case before the court. In addition, telling a lie to jury in a criminal matter is a serious crime in New Jersey. Anyone who attempts to lie to a jury in a criminal court faces prison, fines and/or deportation.
I dont expect anyone who knows Ms. Carrascosa would be dumb enough to lie on her behalf. And if they do, we'll certainly know who they are long before they ever set foot in the courtroom.
What is most significant about this trial is that, to a large extend, it is not really important to the eventual outcome of this case.
As reported in the Spanish media, even if Ms. Carrascosa is convicted, she would almost immediately be eligible for parole. Of course, she would have to admit to her crime to be paroled, but that isnt her biggest hurdle. Bergen County Jail.
Since she is being held on a contempt of court charge, she will not be released until a family court judge lifts the contempt order. I will aggressively argue that the contempt order should only be lifted when Victoria Innes is returned, all litigation in Spain is dismissed and Ms. Carrascosa agrees to a psychiatric evaluation.
Exactly what the judge ordered over two years ago!
Since the Carrascosa clan refuses any agreement, I must insist this court order is enforced.
Also, since Ms. Carrascosa has only recently exhausted her appeals, it can be argued that her coercive incarceration has really only just begun. Maybe a few more years in jail will change her defiant attitude.
So for Ms. Carrascosa, her incarceration is certain to continue regardless of the outcome of her criminal trial. In the United States, our criminal justice system is based on the notion that the will of a litigant can not out-weight the will of the court. Even if that litigant is adamant in her refusal to obey the law.
For the record, I find it incredibly sad that this poor women remains incarcerated and I find it even sadder that, despite my best efforts, my child continues to lead her life as a orphan. The fact is, my child be being held hostage by a devious, deceitful and selfish family who are supported by an inept judical system. However, I am confident that Spanish government officials see the truth and have come to know the true criminal nature of the Carrascosa clan. To that end, I plan to continue to fight for my daughter anyway and anywhere that fight may lead me. I will not rest until my daughter and I find justice.
By Mr. Peter Innes, father of Victoria Innes.
Upon her parole from a felony conviction, she would be immediately returned to
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Fuimos a EEUU a probar su tren. Aquí están las conclusiones. Mal, mal...
Algunos países ven esta práctica más cerca del soborno.
A la 'excelencia general' entre los medios grandes en lengua no inglesa.
Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. Citar este verso de Machado no puede ser más ocurrente al hablar de Mariano Rajoy. Tras la renuncia de Zapatero y las voces que señalan que la estrategia popular podría verse dañada, es necesario preguntarse algo. ¿Ha hecho camino Rajoy? ¿Se ha preparado para ser presidente? Quizás la respuesta sorprenda.
En: E-Campany@
Recomendación: Albert Medrán
“Algunos luchamos por tener los pies en suelo.” Lo decía ayer en su Twitter Raül Romeva, uno de los cuatro eurodiputados españoles (Oriol Junqueras, de ERC, Ramon Tremosa, de CiU, Rosa Estarás del PP y él, de ICV) que apoyaron la enmienda para evitar que el presupuesto comunitario de 2012 contemple los vuelos en primera clase de los parlamentarios europeos. No era una excepción. Lo escribía ahí porque es lo que hace siempre: ser transparente.
En: E-Campany@
Recomendación: Albert Medrán
Son los cien primeros, como podrían ser doscientos o diez. Lo importante es el concepto. La idea de tener unos días para llevar a cabo la transición desde la oposición al gobierno. Del banquillo, a llevar el dorsal titular. Nunca tendremos una segunda oportunidad de crear una buena primera impresión. Y los cien primeros días son esa primera impresión. Veamos su importancia.
En: E-Campany@
Recomendación: Albert Medrán
“Os propongo que sea el Comité Federal, en la próxima reunión que tengamos, después de las elecciones autonómicas y municipales, el que fije el momento de activar el proceso de primarias previsto en los Estatutos del partido para elegir nuestra candidatura a las próximas elecciones generales.” De esta manera, Zapatero ha puesto las primarias en el punto de mira tras anunciar que no será candidato a la reelección. Tras este anuncio, observamos algunas reflexiones sobre el proceso
En: E-Campany@
Recomendación: Albert Medrán
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